Designing a decent website takes time and effort. It is not practically possible to please every user because some might find one layout attractive, the other might not like it. Hence, as a designer, you should create a web page that can impress at least 90% of the viewers. To design such a web page, one needs to mind two major factors: looks and usability. Make sure your website looks stylish and is also easy to use at the same time. Are you excited to learn more about designing the perfect website? The Fireart experts have shared it all below. Read on!
Secrets of Designing a Successful Web Page
Read below to unleash the secrets of designing a great website:
- Prioritize speed: Always keep in mind the loading speed of the website. That is the first thing that can either impress or piss off a user. An excellent website loads instantly within a few seconds, and those are the sites where more users hang out.
- Design a neat and clean site: You should keep a few things in mind while designing a clean-looking site. Use more powerful words and phrases while writing the headlines and make sure the font size looks good to the eyes. Always add CTA to your website to promote user activity. Add images and pictures of your brand to make the page look more trustable.
- Keep limited choices: Unless you have an eCommerce website hosting clothes, groceries, etc., please limit the buying options. Do not stuff the site with too many choices because it can divert the buyer’s attention and not buy anything in the end.
- Do not complicate it: The last thing you would want to do is scare away users without your complicated web design. Choose a standard format and skip adding a sidebar because that might make the website look clumsier and confusing.
- Do not use carousels: We know that carousal is the new trend and can be seen on almost every webpage these days. But as per the experts, it is not needed on most sites. Also, users click on the first few slides and ignore the rest, then why put in the effort?
- Let them scroll: Do not give multiple options to click on. Put the entire context on one page and let the buyers view it by scrolling. As per the user activity graph, it is seen that most people love scrolling on a website rather than clicking on other URLs.
- Put human images: Humans are social creatures that feel comfortable in the presence of other humans. So, please do try and add a few photos that show human faces. If the owner shows up, then it also helps in building trust.
- Do not use stock pictures: When developing a website, you need to have your brand pictures. Unless your business is too small, avoid using stock photos. People can recognize such images, and their overall response is not quite appreciative in this matter.
- Use lists: Conveying information in large paragraphs looks clumsy, and most website visitors seem to avoid it. Hence, use bulletin points to keep your thoughts, just like we did here!
- Include customer reviews: Last but not least, if your webpage is selling a product, then it is a must that you put in some social proof. Based on past customer reviews and testimonials, your current website traffic will make buying decisions.
Final Verdict
We hope this article has helped you learn a lot about how to design a perfect website. If you have no prior experience developing a web page, we would highly recommend hiring a professional designer. They know the job better and can create a flawless website in no time. To hire the best website designers, you can visit So, when will you launch your newly designed site? Do share with us!